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punk metal

a cross beetween trash metal and hardcore punk, even so trash metal is a cross beetween metal and hardcore punk

punk metal aka crossover trash exists!

suicidal tendencies can be considered punk metal

punk metal is not metalcore!

by pitoresco February 8, 2007

39👍 32👎

punk metal

There's no such thing as punk metal. Why would you even look this up?

You typed in punk metal, because you are stupid.

by RYUUKIETSU January 21, 2007

51👍 71👎

Metallic Punk

A punk sterotype who everyone calls neon punk but is metallic punk instead.

Fashion includes:
.cool pants
.long hair
.an acessory that is always worn
.colorful tops
.flip flops
.eyeliner and lipgloss ONLY!
.Liar (not often)
.jealous or mad often
.loves rock things
.has lots of hobbies!
Metallic Punk is also known as MP for short. MPS are very nice people with unique styles and lives.

Dude: Are you neon punk cau-
MP: Shut up, I'm Metallic Punk, live with it!
MP: Thanks, wanna be metallic punk too?
Dude: YEAH!

by sammey13 December 20, 2009