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pussy wars

Groups of women (knowingly or unknowingly) competing in a war of sexual prowess by way of changing dress sense, hairstyles etc in order to impress or compete for potential mates or to raise their visual sex status.

"Hey did you see Katies sexy new hair cut at work today?"

"Yeah but looks like Laura has won the pussy wars today, as her titties are out a little bit with that top on"

by Zero Alpine December 8, 2014

12👍 2👎

Pussy wars

An battle between two or more females who use every shady and vindictive move possible, to win the heart and/or penis of the man they all desire. These females will do anything to get laid by this guy for nainly bragging rights stating she a ho. She the main ho.

Oh wow, lyle must be special because hes the center of the pussy wars.

by VindictiveAngel January 24, 2023

war pussy

War is easy to get in to and hard to get out of, sometimes pussy is also easy to get in to and hard to get out of, and a pussy with an STD is the worst.

That was some war pussy, easy to get in to and hard to get out of. The harder I pulled away the more that skeez pulled me in.

by mecicon March 10, 2008

16👍 8👎