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Put that shit on

When someone says that you put that shit on it means you’re dressed nice or drippe etc.

β€œDamn Kari you put that shit on today!”

by john .k February 19, 2021

70πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


1 )making a comeback to a joke that goes to far. 2 )dissing some one who just made a smart remark. 3 )making a big deal out of a simple joke. 4 )starting a fight.

person 1: what is up with them lame ass clothes?
person 2: you need to take that shit off!
person 3: that's exactly what yo mama said last night

by OhShizleIzleGar April 20, 2011

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

put your shit up

Put up your hands either in peace or to prepare for a fight.

Put your shit up or throw your shit up and fight

by HoodLyricist March 13, 2015

I put that shit on everything

Definition: a profession of absolute honesty from one person to another. It is a variation of the phrase, "I put that shit on everything that I love."

Origin: Unknown. However, the phrase is extremely popular in the Southeastern United States, particularly in Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisana. Since hot sauce (or pepper sauce) is so popular in these states, hot sauce manufacturer, Frank's Red Hot, uses it as their official slogan.

"On God"
"On everything"
"Put that on something"
"I put that on my momma/grandmomma"

Me: Bro, I don't know what happened to your wallet.
You: I don't believe you. I think you're lying...
Me: I don't have it, serious. I PUT THAT SHIT ON EVERYTHING!

by thetillmansneakerreview January 30, 2021

put the shits up you

To frighten badly; terrify.

That Freddy Krueger could really put the shits up you.

by Smoodge the Naked August 17, 2006

18πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

[put her shit on blast]

to spread someone else's business around without consent to one or more person, usually a large group of people

After Avey told Angela that she slept with Bryan. Angela drunken told everyone at a party. Jassen exclaimed "Damn, Angela put her shit on blast!"

by JaneSmith007 November 18, 2006

8πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

put shit on blast

(Verb) To relate someone else's personal affairs to the world, esp. about sexual relations.

It was so obnoxious of her boyfriend to put shit on blast and tell everyone that his girlfriend put out last Saturday night.

by anonymousity999 September 3, 2007

21πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž