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a black albino midget or dwarf who can smoke or otherwise inhale through the anus

everyone has quedalmorph abilities;
there are ten stages or levels of quedalmorphs
1. you are human
2. you can whipe your own butt
3. you have worn an adult diaper
4. you are above the age of 16
5. you have had diareah for a week straight
6. you have multi doopers on a regular basis
7. you have swallowed a nail
8. you eat dingo babies
9. you have experienced the wild banshee
10. you are dead

for all of these levels you must have completed the previous levels to advance.

you can be demoted at any time for doing anything stupid but only by a higher level than yourself

That quedalmorph knows how to hook you up.

The quedalmorph at McDonalds can hook you up.

Hes a level 9 quedalmorph makin someone happy.

by Quedal Sensai March 1, 2008

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