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Queef Cheeks

The out reaches of the vibrating labia when a woman passes gas through her vagina.

She tried to hold it until her meeting was over, but she couldn't and the aftershock tickled her queef cheeks

by robbie dobbers February 23, 2010

5👍 3👎

queef cheeks

word often used to describe a goofy person who resembles cheeks queefing

Kramer looks like queef cheeks.

by Feely May 5, 2011

5👍 6👎

Butt cheek queef

Unlike a fart, when air gets trapped in one's butt cheeks, usually while sitting, and a small pocket of air pops out. This is similar to a vaginal queef.

I keep butt cheek queefing.

by Bradford, PA December 16, 2016

6👍 1👎