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what basic bitches call themselves

"Samantha, why did you sleep with my boyfriend?"
"Oh, I'm just quirky."

by Quirky Gal January 28, 2019

1836πŸ‘ 267πŸ‘Ž


Someone who thinks they’re doing something special and DiFfErEnT but in reality they are just annoying

Hailey is so quirky!

β€œYou see that quirky girl over there?”
β€œYeah, her name is definitely Hailey.”

by allesinak April 16, 2020

784πŸ‘ 110πŸ‘Ž


Someone who is considered different.

Basic White Girl: lol I eat like soo much I have a food addictionnn and I luvv netflix lol im so quirky.

Actual Quirky Person: Everytime I go inside of a store I just run to the cleaning aisle, pour bleach over my body. Curse out my teacher on the phone while I backflip out of the exit door and roll over like a dog in the dirt. It's so normal, everyone does it. I'm not quirky.

by ThatOne_RandomKid May 25, 2020

198πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


what emily thinks she is

Emily: "Omg my name's emily and i'm so quirky"
David: stfu

by DatOneDude69 December 20, 2020

214πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


What every basic, Starbucks drinking white girl tries to be.

"haha sorry I'm really quirky"

by TheDuck69420 May 10, 2020

224πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


Somebody who think they are cool and eDgY (typically Americans) but they hide there accent because it makes then dIfferEnT. they are known to be using these terms: I'm not like other girls, and i'M sO unIQuE! rIghT?! These types of people most likely use Tumblr, and write fanfics on wattpad.

I step into class and realize that im already that late and QuIrKY student. I try to explain do the teacher that my alarm didnt to off until he turned around, when I noticed the teacher was CAMERON DALAS!

A\n Omfg! Thanks for reading my first wattle stor-

by Iamnotgayipromise February 6, 2019

609πŸ‘ 127πŸ‘Ž


Girl who dresses like Emma Chamberlain and desperately wants to be a youtuber. Can be seen wearing Doc Martens, scrunchies, and long sleeve striped shirts. Most likely will be drinking iced coffee and always have carmex.

nonquirky person: "I love your outfit"

quirky person: "yeah haha my style is really unique because I'm QuiRkY"

by megaphaggot April 5, 2019

536πŸ‘ 109πŸ‘Ž