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When you are dying of boredom and after trying 1,1, 2,2, 3,3, 4,4, 5,5, 6,6 you tried 7,7 and surprise there is a meaning

Bob was so bored he typed qwertyuasdfghjzxcvbnmiopkl into his computer

by HeroSlayerz July 30, 2018

29👍 2👎


you typed 2, 3, 4, 5, and even 6 letters at a time, but there will always be a definition on urban dictionary, always

qwertyuasdfghjzxcvbnmiopkl is a common sign of lack of sane-ness, get some help

by naturally idiotic April 8, 2024


ur extremely bored. uve gone through all the variations of qwerty and qaz (if u didnt, how did u get here). gone top to bottom in 2s 3s 4s 5s 6s. now 7s. and yes that is exactly how many keys in the bottom row.

also, u should stop and get a life. no def for 8s and above

surely qwertyuasdfghjzxcvbnmiopkl isnt a word

by imboredhelp November 22, 2023


Ok you've tried 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and now 7 at a time.

You: "Lets search up 8 now after qwertyuasdfghjzxcvbnmiopkl"

by Random846 January 6, 2023