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HEY!!! Pay attention to your teacher. Stop distracting yourself by searching different patterns on the keyboard. Given, who in their right mind will find this? This is a pattern that even I don't know how I got. It is achieved by starting at the top left and going two right and one down. At this point, you would have gotten "qws", repeat this with the next letter on the top, this would be "e". Once you have gone from left to right, start at a and type in a slanted l. "azx", is what you would get; keep doing this for the next letter, which in this case, would be d. These are the combinations you would be looking for, 'qws', 'erf', 'tyh', 'uik', 'op', 'azx', dcv', 'gbn, 'jm', 'l'. Ok I have an assignment to work on so I will leave you be on your journey to finding a keyboard pattern that's not on urban dictionary.

I have reached the apex of absolute boredom, so I typed this pattern on my keyboard, "qwserftyhuikopazxdcvgbnjml".

by Bob David John Johnson May 25, 2021