Source Code


For lazy persons who couldn't write 2, 3 letters, such as:


One-letter words
Y - Why
R - Are
U - You
C - See
K - OK - Okay - Fine

Two-letter words
UR - You're - You Are
Ye - Yes, Yeah

Three-letter words
THX - Thanks

Words with(out) '
dont - Don't
cant - Can't
didnt - Didn't
couldnt - Couldn't
im - I'm

***Short and Incorrect***
Example I (short and incorrect)

User I: r u k?
User II: ye, y?
User I: i thought u r sck or somethin...
User II: na im nt thx

Example II (ALL letters are small and no ",")
User I: im ok u?
User II: ye i am
User I: k if ur nt tll me
User II: k sure
***Normal (long) and Correct***
Example I (long and correct)

User I: Are you ok?
User II: Yes, why?
User I: I thought you are sick or something...
User II: Nah, I'm not, thanks!

Example II (Letters are good and with ",")
User I: I'm ok, you?
User II: Yes, I am.
User I: Okay, if you're not, tell me.
User II: Ok, sure!

r,u,k,y,c = Are, You, Ok, Why, See

by dinomario10 July 11, 2008

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