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A subreddit where people who self harm go on to relate to others who have similar issues. Often times you will see memes (often self-deprecating) and rants. It's often shorted as r/MoS, and they have a certain lingo. For example, styrofoam (or 'styro') refers to the dermis layer of the skin, which is white and resembles styrofoam. Yeeting is the act of self harming, and yeeting bois/slicey bois is the tool they use to hurt themselves with. This subreddit is not for everyone.

r/MadeOfStyrofoam doesn't glorify self harming, but rather serves as a sanctuary for those who do, and it doesn't matter how "bad" you have it, you're still valid all the same. Please don't hurt yourself, Reader. It's not worth it. Trust me, I know. I seem like a faceless words on a screen, but I too have a backstory, and you probably do too since you've looked it up. You've no reason to listen to me, and you probably won't. And due to the limitations the online worlds gives me, I can't stop you. I just hope my words reach and help someone in the world.

by Magic kitty April 10, 2022

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