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Rachel is a girl who surpasses all girls. She is beautiful, smart, and caring. She can also be loyal, kind, and trustworthy. She will always listen no matter what is going on in her own life. She gives great advice. She is a sensitive person. Above all else, her personality is incomparable to any other. Rachel is amazing.

Rachel is the best person ever

by Ryan Livingston April 15, 2016

2388๐Ÿ‘ 318๐Ÿ‘Ž


A girl who is everything good in the world and just doesn't realize it. She is beautiful, inside and out, with the prettiest eyes and smile and the wittiest mind. Her interests and obsessions are far and wide, ranging from intellectual to silly, and she can switch from one to the other in a split second. She cares for her friends and family deeply, and is always looking out for them and putting them ahead of herself. Rachel is the type of girl to know more than you, but never talk down to you. Rachel is one of the best things to happen to planet Earth, without doubt.

Wow, she sure is a Rachel!

by 1344371143 December 18, 2013

1544๐Ÿ‘ 245๐Ÿ‘Ž


Rachel is a person that gets hurt all the time, but puts a smile on to cover it up. She gets stabbed in the back, pushed over her limit, gets left over and over but still maintains to keep her composure. She gives too much, and should expect something in return but doesn't. She is very mature and is the coolest person you could ever get to know. You won't have to think twice about her loyalty.

Rachel, is a person you should have as a friend.


by Xtff December 20, 2016

978๐Ÿ‘ 159๐Ÿ‘Ž


Rachel's are leaders not followers you can help her out, follow her, or get out of the way, these lovely ladies take charge, they're fun, smart, artistic, loud, an just flat out the funniest people out there. Very protective of her friends and family, will be very kind to you, but watch out, they have mean streaks in them and can easily kick the shit out of someone if they want to. Sometimes they can be a bit sarcastic, but it's usually in humor or self defense. She probably won't give two flying shits if you say something about her, she'll probably punch you and walk away, but if you insult one of the many people she holds dear well... Lets just say, they'll never find your body. After doing something, weird, frightening or just random, they can say something nonchalantly and carry on normally. They're also quite good looking.
Sometimes Rachel's can have a 'hero-complex' often shouting 'I AM THE HERO!!!' For know good reason, despite that statement which may come off as attention grabbing selfishness, Rachel's are actually very caring and often do good deeds without saying anything being a 'silent hero'

She can and will take many hits in her life, like she's made of metal and is invincible, but she really does have a kind heart and is a huge softy.

Rachel's often give amazing advice as well and will always be willing to be your shoulder to cry on, day or night, she will be there for you.

I was running like a mad man, for my freaking life as the bullies trailed close behind me, I stole a glance back, forgetting to look ahead of me, I crashed into someone, instead of shoving me to the ground, they grabbed me and pulled me behind them.

"What the hell are you guys doing?!?" A girls voice in front of me shouts. I regain my composure after the shock of someone helping me, I look at my defender, it is non other than Rachel, the loud and proud leader.

The bullies tell her to "step aside if she know what's good for her"

Rachel just gives them a look.

"C'mon, wouldn't want to ruin a pretty face like yours, just let us beat that loser and maybe I'll take you on a date with me~"
A boy smirks to her, winking.

"What did you call him?!" She asks angrily. She rips off her shoes and dives at the bullies smacking them all upside the head with her boot.
She punches one in the stomach and quickly turns and kicks one in the groin.

She turns to face me once she's done her work.
"So, wanna go wath TV?" She asks me casually.

by BeTheHero May 29, 2013

1961๐Ÿ‘ 342๐Ÿ‘Ž


A very loving soul who is always misunderstood due to her shyness. At first she is very shy, timid, and keeps to herself. Once you get to know her and she feels comfortable around you, that's when she shows her fun wild card attitude. She also trusts very few and you are a very special person if she actually chooses to be friends with you. She is very unique and has great taste in everything. She has beautiful bluegray eyes that will affect your day depending on her mood, so don't get on her bad side or you'll regret it forever. She will take a bullet for her best friend in the world and will stay faithful to the man she marries til the day she dies. She has extreme confidence and can get cocky when it comes to competition

There's that sexy little brunette fox Rachel I was talking about earlier.

by blueskyeyes August 9, 2014

135๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


A fun loving girl that may come across shy at first, but opens up really easily and loves new people! Shes cute, funny, smart, although she may come across a little dumb when you first meet her, very sassy, nut never meaning to be mean and somewhat clumsy. She is small, someone you can never stay mad at, and always happy. People love her company although at times she can get a little annoying, and she knows it too. She's one of the most stubborn people you will meet and sets high goals for herself, and is very determined to meet them. She's confident, sometimes too confident, and dreams big. She loves to laugh as well as make others laugh and you can never get bored with her. She prefers to be surrounded by people but not too many, cause shes kiiinndddaa claustrophobic. Shes a girl youd love to have as a friend because she can always make you smile. She only trusts a very small group of people and it takes awhile to gain her trust. She has a short temper and sensetive feelings but forgives very easily. she has a great memory so although shell forgive she will never forget. you dont want to lose someone like Rachel cause youll have trouble finding someone like her again.

"whos your bestfriend?"
"youre lucky"

by itsssrachellll August 13, 2013

389๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž


Rachel is the most kind, caring, beautiful, and funny person you'll ever meet. She always finds a way to brighten up your day with just one smile. She is someone who you will always want to have around, and someone you will never want to lose. Rachel is perfect in every single way, and is someone who will never leave your mind.

Rachel is the bestest

by jak1234rat February 6, 2018

75๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž