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rate rate

used in the north to describe something that is really really good. Alternatively "right right"

The mighty Boosh is rate rate!

by halo_nothing February 24, 2006

18👍 7👎

Rate 4 Rate

Abbreviated "r4r". A very stupid "agreement" to like/favorite or otherwise comment positively on someone's creation, art, guide, review, screenshot, etc. with the expectation of having the same returned. Very popular on Steam and other sites where user created items are posted.

Often times the content is so terrible, the reason for the rate 4 rate request becomes apparent. No one would rate the content unless compelled to or there was some benefit of doing so.

Steam user 1: Rate my artwork and I'll do the same for you
Steam user 2: OK. I'm up for Rate 4 Rate

by Osmium76 April 6, 2021