1. In politics, the use of "dirty tricks" to discredit one's opponent(s). This often takes the form of false or semi-false accusations spread through underhanded means. The term was coined in the 1960s by Hunter S. Thompson and Bob Woodward. The art of ratfucking was brought into the public eye by Karl Rove. Among his ratfucking accomplishments are the 2000 GOP South Carolina primary and the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.
2. Sexual intercourse with rats.
Common usage on blogs: "Those rats ain't gonna fuck themselves, people!"
When rumors began to spread that Senator Booger had fathered secret quintuplets, he immediately suspected ratfucking from his opponent.
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The act of rummaging through a packaged meal (MRE's, Lunchables, Lunch packed by your mother) and separating the so called "Goodies" such as candy bars, Doritoes, or other tasty edibles that will soon be eaten from the disgusting entrΓ©es like sandwiches, spongey meat-like patties (which are found in MRE's), or carrot sticks to be discarded or saved for later consumption. Term created by the United State's Recon Marines
Kid #1: What the hell are you doing with your lunch?!
Kid#2: Ratfucking, dude...
Kid#1: The fuck does that mean?!?!
Kid#2: Ratfucking- (this is where he states the long-ass definition written above)
Kid#1: Well played...
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A military term. Refers to rooting through an assortment of items and only taking what you want/need. It usually involves opening up a package or something shrinkwrapped, taking the desired item(s) and leaving the rest behind for the next unsuspecting individual.
Term is used in the Infantry division of the Army when someone opens up an MRE (meal ready to eat) package and only takes the candy/cookies. This leaves the next person to a meal with no treat.
"Some asshole ratfucked my MRE and took the Tootsie Pop!"
"Who ratfucked the Costco potato chip assortment and only took the Doritos?"
"You dick. You ratfucked the mini-cereals and only took the Apple Jacks".
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Brought to public attention by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein in the book on the fall of Richard Nixon, All The Presidentβs Men, ratfucker was Nixonβs term for a political operative who sows chaos among opponents; an agent provocateur. It is thought to have originated among campus political rivalries at USC, and seems to have some usage in the US military.
Along with Nixonβs other ratfuckers, Roger Stone caused fights at otherwise peaceful Democratic Party protests to generate a false narrative that the Democrats were violent and dangerous.
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Someone who screws people over in a bad way.
My boss, the ratfucker, wouldn't approve my vacation request, and my trip was non-refundable.
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Origin: USMC
To steal or disorganize items that do not belong to you.
Office: Don't let George ratfuck my files while I am gone next week.
Military: Who ratfucked the MREs?
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The insane, narcissistic, outrageous asshat who ratfucked his way into the Whitehouse with Russian hacking, slanderous lies from FBI director James Comey, and the archaic, undemocratic, and fucked Electoral College. Ratfucker is now working tirelessly (minus weekly vacations to Florida) to finish dismantling american society, enact authoritarian rule, destroy the environment, and destabilized global relations. Youβve been ratfucked.
Ratfucker stays up long into the night composing insane and nonsensical tweets for the braindead lemmings who support him to read and praise.
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