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Ray Gun

the greatest cause of celebration during an intense game of nazi zombies. screaming and shouting and occasionally even battle cries often follow a player stumbling across the rare but life-changing weapon in the mystery box. prolongs zombie pwning time but nazi zombies is still and will always remain an un-winnable game mode.


by pastabake April 18, 2009

74๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ray Gun

The Ray Gun is the best gun to get in the Nazi Zombie game mode in Call of Duty: Wolrd At War

It is a one shot kill, however obtaining it can be tricky.

Dude we were playing Nazi Zombies yesterday and we all got the Ray Gun and we got to level 20!!

by Solja123 November 26, 2008

73๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

ray gun

Basically a laser gun, but it's more like a flash-light, and has a cool "Beeooorrrww" or "Wollawollawolla" sound effect. They're pretty sweet.

Space Jay pulled out his ray gun and shot the alien.

by Waluut May 27, 2006

29๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

lemonade ray gun

Gentle childlike term for one's pecker!

"Mum, my mate wants to play with my lemonade ray gun!"

by Bimmy October 30, 2006

Muslamic Ray Gun

Powerful, futuristic weapon with which the "Muslamic Infidel" plan to enforce "Interracial Law" upon the UK.

Oh crap, they've got muslamic ray guns! We're shafted!

by jdw9500 April 2, 2011

126๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

Chris ray gun

Chris is aYouTube Chanel who argues with feminism and other such bullshit, famous for drinking bleach that one time. He also has a stuffed lama named Paul and a slave named tom, both of which are better then him. He mostly dose his videos in a overly sarcastic manner, acting like a prick, but a lovable prick. He is also god of chair rolls, just trust me on this

"Linch me from the fucking snowflakes " Chris ray gun 2016

by Dr "fuck off" green February 13, 2018

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Ray gun of awesomeness

A ranged weapon that does 20d20 points of awesome damage.

"I obliterated all my enemies with my ray gun of awesomeness."

by kennyminot December 31, 2010

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž