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Reality TV

A truly saddening development of modern media. Programming which lacks any redeeming social, intellectual or moral value but is nonetheless poigniant in a macabre way due to the reflection it offers of a rapidly declining western culture. Primarily watched by mindless, brainwashed Americans who are long since bereft of any intelligent thought or recognizable human values (greed and self-interest notwithstanding).

Reality TV is one of the major reasons I decided to stop watching television entirely. That, and the fact that every news station in the country is owned by a very small number of rich white males who have absolutely no vested interest whatsoever in educating the public, offering useful information, or doing anything other than making more money than any human being could possibly have practical use for over several lifetimes.

by Erik Jacobson May 21, 2005

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Reality TV

It's what MTV has dedicated its airtime to, instead of music.

MTV has so much Reality TV shows. They may as well rename "MTV" to "RTV".

by Didda Tinkle June 6, 2004

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Reality TV

Complete and utter crap.

I hate reality TV, because it is complete and utter crap.

by Nik Gilmore November 2, 2004

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Reality TV

TV that in reality has very little, if anything, to do with do with anything based on reality.

Big Brother 1-5

by Canadamus Prime June 22, 2004

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Reality TV

a supposid "Television Show" in which the "cast" are all 20 something attention-starved Mediawhores/fags who daddys pulled strings to get them on TV and get everything they want off Daddys Credit Card and desrved to be shot or stabbed in the base of the skull with my bamboo stick - Spoilt Brats need to die!!!

Reality TV is full of 20 somethings starving for attention - i need me 9mm Glock to shoot there asses off the face of the earth!!

by Brother Number One October 21, 2003

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Reality TV

1.Television show that pretends to be real when in fact is also scripted. Shows such as Survivor and American Idol.
2. Bad television
3. Ryan Seacrest thinking he can act.

I hate reality TV. He said. Nobody agreed with him, for most americans are morons who will watch anything.

by Michael Hammersley February 26, 2005

18๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Reality TV

Overhyped, overrated television shows which are in no way, shape, or form, real.

Survivor was the catalyst which has spawned all the crap reality TV show that you now see on nearly every channel on cable and satellite.

by Tiado June 22, 2004

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