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(Noun) 1. An individual or group devoted to social, political and economic philosophies and policies designed to disassemble with the intent to destroy democratic republican ideals and institutions and supplant them with pro-corporate economic primacy. 2. Policies designed to benefit the economic elite, usually corporate, over or at the expense of the communal or societal. 3. Champion of corporate personhood and rights over or at the expense of flesh and blood human rights or socio-economic conditions. 4. An individual or group devoted to pursuing deregulation financial institutions to the point of facilitating the cannibalistic stage of capitalism.

(Adjective) Of, related to or pertaining to social, political and economic philosophies and policies designed to disassemble with the intent to destroy democratic republican ideals and institutions and supplant them with pro-corporate economic primacy. 2. Of, related to or pertaining to policies designed to benefit the economic elite, usually corporate, over or at the expense of the communal or societal. 3. Of, related to or pertaining to championing of corporate personhood and rights over or at the expense of flesh and blood human rights or socio-economic conditions. 4. Of, related to or pertaining to the pursuit deregulation financial institutions to the point of facilitating the cannibalistic stage of capitalism.

Alan Greenspan worked tirelessly to institute recessivist policies during his oversight of the Federal Reserve leading to economic collapse.

by rladlof December 16, 2009