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To do something at a recreational level, or for leisure.

The man Sails Recreationally

by ~Fry June 18, 2012

4👍 1👎

raping recreationally

a chosen "lifestyle"

raping recreationally is a chosen lifestyle so you MUST accept it lest you be wantonly labeled intolerant by those intolerant of intolerance

by be intolerant of perversion June 11, 2013

56👍 4👎

recreationally offended

the action of actively seeking societal issues that may or may not cause frustration or resentment.

Mike is such a recreationally offended douche, he's always on Gawker looking for reasons to be pissed off.

by challbruh July 15, 2015

Recreationally minded

Having the ability to remember useless information, like what book page you were on with no bookmark, but the keen inability to remember important things like school notes or due dates

"I always forget the summer reading projects, I'm too recreationally minded."

by Lukeozee August 21, 2021

1👍 1👎