The occasionally unnamed Knights of Camelot on the BBC show Merlin. So named because of their billowing red capes, and their propensity to die in every confrontation, like the Red Shirts from the original Star Trek series.
Person 1: These Red Capes aren't very good at being knights.
Person 2: That's because they're expendable.
A large, extremely moist, blood filled tampon. Usually found in bitch ass skank ho's who charge 5.50 and stand on the corner of Washington and East Brittania wondering why her kids hate her! That's right Mom, I said it! Get off the streets and get a real job, support the family! You wonder why Dad's leaving........Sorry.
I tried to fuck that skank-ho, but she left a red caped crusader in her cunt-hole.
26👍 13👎
Someone who is looking for sexual desire.
She looked at the man, red caped.
a cape one, who enjoys fisting, wears
That's ironic that James is wearing a red cape. I fisted him last night.