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red diarrhea

Red diarrhea is yummy and healthy but painful to get.

Person: Yo, dude I just had some red diarrhea.
Dude: Yo that's sick man.
Person: IKR

by friwefpadf;lkjh October 7, 2020

Diarrhea Red

The color of a persons hair; whether they are born with the hair color or if it is chemically colored.

Hey everyone, I just ate some greasy fish, and shit it out diarrhea red; like Danny's hair color.

by mr. mojo rpsgt November 11, 2011

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red diarrhea

very good and yummy and healthy and also red and painful to have

dude: yo i just had some red diarrhea
friend: nice man
friend: *has red diarrhea*

by friwefpadf;lkjh October 7, 2020

red diarrhea

when diarrhea red

person: yo whassup man i just had red diarrhea
friend: yo that sick

by friwefpadf;lkjh October 7, 2020

red diarrhea

Painful to get but yummy and healthy.

man: Yo I just had RED diarrhea
man 2: Congrats
man: thanks man

by friwefpadf;lkjh October 7, 2020