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red stater

A citizen of any state whose electoral votes went to a republican in tbe last election. So-called because of network news' electoral maps. Interestingly, the populations in red states have lower than average IQs, lower than average earnings, underfunded public schools, higher rates of poverty, homelessness, disease and crime; and every "red state" in the country recieves more federal funding than it pays (read:welfare).

Red staters are easy to spot. They drive 30 miles to Wal Mart to save .08 on a jar of mustard. That is, when they're not burning a cross on their neighbor's yard because he didn't go to church this week; or beating up n*ggers, gays or jews. They believe they're God's chosen even though they're lucky if they make more than $6.00/hour working the drive through at Hardee's.

by spot December 14, 2004

91👍 17549👎

Red Stater

A deeply Christian white person, married young and then divorced. Has a lower than average level of knowledge and intelligence, prone to primitive suspicions regarding supported scientific theories such as greenhouse gases and evolution. Has had a poor education, and is less likely to hold a high school, college, or graduate degree than their blue state peer. Income is proportionate to their educational level. Prone to archaic displays of tribalism, manifested by chewing tobacco, driving a pickup truck, and owning a shirt with a confederate flag.

Always votes republican, for reasons unknown to them, but rationalized post hoc as having something to do with a mixture of self reliance, not giving tax money to black people, being able to shoot guns and discriminate against gays, and preventing the abortion they wish their ex-wife would have had. None of the ideals about being self reliant or keeping their hard earned money (it is, due to low education levels most form skilled and unskilled labor pools) prevents them from using and abusing liberal government programs like Social Security, Welfare, and Medicare should the situation present itself.

"I'm a proud red stater, voted for Bush twice cause he's gonna keep me safe. Course America got problems. After I got laid off after I hurt my back cause the doctors said my spine can't take all that weight, we've had to cut down. But at least we're mostly a Christian nation of god fearing folks."

by blue stater January 24, 2009

49👍 24👎

Red Staters

ing inbred rednecks. Unsurprisingly, they make less money than civilized people, are against abortions because they "kill babies" who are really just attachments to the mother until birth, support the cold-blooded of 100,000 Iraqi CIVILIANS (read: NONCOMBATANT) and think its their holy duty from God to kill homosexuals, Jews, and African-Americans.

Holy , those red staters need to go kill themselves.

by Militant Liberal March 20, 2005

37👍 34👎

Red Stater

Boy, you people sure have inaccurate and ill-intentioned opinions about the residents of the Red States don't you? Just so you know, the overwhelming majority of Christians don't go around committing such hate crimes as you are implying that they do.
You people in the Blue States are just resentful and enraged that George W. Bush and the Republicans won the election, and you people always will be until another Democrat finally makes his/her way into office.

You think the Red Staters are uneducated, ignorant rednecks and bigots? Why don't you educate yourselves a little (or even A LOT) before you go out making a bunch of accusations about us, hypocrites.

by Proud to be from a Red State February 23, 2005

40👍 67👎

Red Stater

A real man or woman; a true American patriot. Contrary to popular liberal belief, Red Staters (aka Republicans) are actually more open-minded and tolerant of things than they are given credit for. To begin, the overwhelming majority of them are NOT racist. There are tons of Democrats who are racist, however. (Keep this in mind, it was Democrats in the past who promoted mistreatment of black people, and wanted to keep slavery alive. There are many white democrats today who still despise blacks. Yes, it is TRUE.)
Next, we believe in women's rights. We believe that women have every right to leave the home, get a college degree, become successful and get a job, etc. To say otherwise about our stand on women's rights is BULLSHIT. Also, Red Staters (or Republicans) do NOT go around committing hate crimes on racial minorities, homos, lesbians, or non-Christians. (Just so you know, I have fellow devoutly-Republican friends who are ATHEISTS!!! AND, I don't criticize them for it, either.) You people fail to realize that there are millions of Republicans who are actually racial minorities. These include asians, Native Americans, Hispanics, subcontinient Asian Indians, and even a few black people. There are also Jewish Republicans. Yes, there are; there is plenty of evidence to support the fact that there are people of every single one of those previously-mentioned groups within the Republican Party.

The Red Staters are attacked and accused of things that most of them are not or that they haven't ever done. Don't call us brain-washed; you people all seem to believe the stereotypes about us, without having any evidence to back it up (and you call yourselves free-thinkers.) You all just blindly follow the words and commentary of figures like Ted Kennedy, Diane Feinstein, John Kerry, and Michael Moore.

by Journey Fan July 1, 2005

45👍 85👎