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it has two definitions

1. to be so shocked u don’t know how to function

2. to be laughing uncontrollably laughing to the point u don’t know what bodily fluids will excrete from ur orifices

i’m reeling i’m vomiting i’m peeing i just fell off the eiffel tower

by kathytrunchbul March 13, 2019

83👍 9👎


Being to awestruck, to shocked to comprehend anything

" man, im still reeling form last night"
" i cant beleive she is still reeling from what he said"

by eileen86 November 27, 2005

261👍 132👎


To become wound up tight or hypersensitive.

I have had too much coffee and now I'm reeling.

by johnnymcword February 21, 2010

56👍 56👎


to do something worthy of praise and admiration, belonging to a highlight reel

Dude, that was an insane shot. You're out here reeling

by tablecloth174 March 22, 2021

4👍 6👎


Greezed, tricked, or having someone pull a fast one on you.

Boy 1: Go to the movies with me, Shaniqua.
Shaniqua: I gotta go to Oregon, sorry
Boy 2 to Boy 1: Man, that movie with Shaniqua was poppin
Boy1: WHAT? Dude, Shaniqua REELED me!

by YoBaws March 12, 2013

46👍 5👎

Reel it in

To get someone or something under control.

1.The dog went haywire.Try to reel it in.

2.I cannot reel it in,when I get psyched.

by Toa Pohatu February 22, 2017

42👍 7👎


Mini TikTok
A minor video streaming platform within a social media platform created by Instagram as insurance for when President Trump deletes TikTok.

Guy #1: Everything on reels is so ass man.

Guy #2: I know dude, it’s just mini TikTok.

by jacobsartoriusgirlfriend August 6, 2020

51👍 19👎