When you take a huge dump and just leave it there just to spite somebody.
Allan: "I just took a major revenge-shit bro. She's cleaning it right now!" *brofist
Sten: "Nice one!" *brofist
When u you got your dump interrupted 1 day and you shit double the next.
Sarah called me to pick the kids while I was dumping and I had to cut it in half. The next morning I got a shit revenge and the whole house smelled terrible.
The act of defecating on the bed when you’re always angry at your significant other. Spesifically at their side of the bed.
The cleaning lady found fecal matter on the left side of the bed. Security was told that it was a practical joke gone horribly wrong. Samples taken from the fecal matter confimed that it came from a human.
The loud arguments heard the night before the incident suggested that this was indeed a revenge shit.