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1. to fail to inventory the safe and then bitch and moan about it when you forget to do it.
2. embracing urban culture
3. quoting Lil' John/Dave Chappelle so often that other people think it's acceptable to encorporate "what?!", "yeaaah!" and "okay" in everday conversation.
4. not paying your car tax
5. bitching about re-election when you didn't even register to vote.
6. drinking Crunk Juice.
7. seeking out highway altercations.

John was rex'd when President Bush was elected to a second term by a clear mandate.

by the Philanthropist December 22, 2004

3👍 4👎


When severe amount of alcohol are consumed, resulting in the inability to use your arms effectively.

Just been on the jurassic sesh and seen a mad lad absolutely t-rex'd

See that guy over there with the little arms, definitely t-rexing.

by Fellow t-rex March 10, 2019


When you can't function your hands while overdosing on cocaine.

That Coke had me t-rex'd bro.

by Modiggity October 15, 2015