Source Code

Rice Bowl

1. A task performed by a specific individual or group in exchange for compensation.
2. A protected job, project, program etc...

Bob: "I don't need Jim. I can change the tire myself".
Ted: "But Bob, ya gotta let Jim fix it. That's his rice bowl".

by bob h boberson August 25, 2008

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Rice Bowl

In the military, a term used to describe someone else's turf/territory (literal or metaphorical), with an implication that the owner is unreasonably defensive about their area.

- "We were gonna run some ops in Task Force Thunder's AO, but they're all freaked out about us getting all up in their rice bowl, so they canked the whole FRAGO."

- "I had some great ideas about how to fix all these problems with the motor pool, but Sgt Thompson blew them all off because he thinks he owns the whole lot; what a rice-bowling ass-hat."

by Gyreneisms July 28, 2013

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Rice Bowl

Rice Bowl the name of one of the coolest people in softwillys foreskin discord server. Rice Bowl aka Lucie is vibin is one of the most swag members the server has to offer, if you join the server make sure to say hello to her since she is so swag

Guy: Yo did you see that swag girl?
Guy 2: Oh do you mean Rice Bowl?

by Lucieisvibin June 2, 2020

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Rice Bowl

a gaysian orgy

Kang was telling Jack about his rice bowl weekend in Palm Springs.

by Crazsian November 14, 2010

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rice bowling

Hogging all the good tasks at work. This person usually takes on tasks and responsibilities that he/she perceives will bring them recognition, or doesn't require them to get off their ass.

Jimmy is always rice bowling the good projects. He never takes on any shit work.

by GNEAT March 5, 2010

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rice bowl

A stupid insult my dad uses when I talk about anything pertaining to my affliction with yellow fever.

Me)Parry Shen (see Better Luck Tomorrow) is so HOT!
Dad)Stop talking about that fucking rice bowl.
Me) (under breath) fucking racist baka

Yeah, I got a little bit of the Wapanese thing going on, SO FUCKING WHAT? It's what I'm into, at least I HAVE a hobby, unlike the stupid trolls lurking here!

by Jessica March 14, 2004

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rice bowl

see: punani,pussy,vagina etc.

i put my chopstick in her rice bowl

by dane January 11, 2004

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