Mary gives killer a "Righty tighty." Now wonder she won Homecoming Queen!
3👍 4👎
A Righty-tightie is a right-handed guy with a tight asshole.
We went to the baths in Colorado Springs, and I fucked a Righty-tightie or four!
396👍 499👎
lefty loosy righty tighty is the oppisite of righty tighty lefty loosy you tun left to tighten and right to loosen propane cylinders and fittings often use left handed threads
i was trying to hook up a propane tank not knowing you go lefty loosy righty tighty i finally figured it out and got the propane tank hooked up
Refers to threads on a screw, nut, bolt, etc. To tighten, you turn to the right (clockwise). To loosen, you turn toward the left (counter clockwise). A few exceptions exist, notably old propane cylinders and some pipe fittings.
"How do I get this screw out?"
"Righty tighty lefty loosy!"
386👍 59👎