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A really cute twitch streamer, who is 200 pounds of pure Memer, and a god at Bedwars. Only one Robbo is funny. Robbo is Meme, Robbo is life, Robbo is Funny.

Person 1: Did you hear about Robbo?
Person 2: That hot streamer?
Person 1: Yeah he's so valid

by RedBurritoDude, your beloved April 3, 2021

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A nickname used to describe one with the last name "Roberts" or a similar name eg. Robertson, Roberto, Robert, etc.

"man robbo sucks balls! haha"

by supermajic August 25, 2005

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Blokey looking lesbian

Oi Moe..

Check out that Robbo

by Mooky100mm September 21, 2021


A term used to describe a manly attributed female.

Hey Moe, check out the mullet on that robbo

by Mooky100mm May 19, 2022


He jumped in a hole. Bloody legend.

"Robbo jumps in a huge beach hole"

by Joebama's worshipper September 7, 2020


A name commonly used in Gravesend for someone who simply 'flexes' to scare off undesirables and who's father is affiliated to several bookmakers

Look at that Robbo over there having a flex

by jingleberry July 2, 2006

7πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Someone that’s too scared to do anything exciting, like cliff jump.

β€œHey bro, it’s your turn to jump!”

β€œNah man, I ain’t jumping, I’m a Robbo”

by 1Robbo1 February 12, 2018

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