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roblox tycoon

Roblox tycoons are one of the most hated games on roblox. 99% of them are games where you press a bunch of buttons hoping your base will be done. There are very few tycoons that are actually good, but other that they're all really shitty.

Person #1: Hey dude wanna play a Roblox Tycoon? I heard they're nice.

Person #2: Ew no, those games are just waiting simulators and are only fun for 7 year old kids.

by Elice the Frick March 8, 2017

20👍 12👎

Roblox tycoon game

eeugh eugh bloop bloop cha-ching!

Roblox game with gear plates littered all around the tycoon that typically cost over 299 robux.

Lets not play the common Roblox Tycoon game.

Roblox tycoon games suck!

by abandonmystery777 January 26, 2021

2👍 2👎

Roblox vehicle tycoon

A game in Roblox

Hey! lets play Roblox vehicle tycoon

by lol lol lol lol lol lol February 4, 2021