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a berry that grows on a lmaobush.

i like my roflberry pwncakes in the morning

by phr0st September 10, 2005

98👍 10👎


There are two definations for this word:
1. A slang term combination of "ROFL", (meaning "roll on the floor laughing"), with "berry", to make up a humorous and fictional new word, much like "Snozberry", coined by the original Willy Wonkey movie.
2. Not only is it a berry produced by the infamous LMAOBUSH, but it is a delicacy among those who are known to pwn all teh nubs. Those who are 1337 enough to convert these delectable berries into n00b sauce will find that they become the staple to the most leet of diets. Beware, as excessive consumption of such a delightful fruit could result in the eater getting h4x0red, and the uncontrollable yelling of "LOL !!!!!!!!1!!1!". Warning, do not eat while operating a ROFLCOPTER, while wearing LOLLERSKATES, or while firing a n00b-cannon.

"Good day sir. Have you any ROFLBERRIES?"
"WTF LOLZ!!!!!!1"
"You are not even in possession of a single, lone ROFLBERRY?"
"ROFL LMAO!!!!!!!!1"
"Well. I'll just be on my way then I think."

by ConradoThePirate November 1, 2006

45👍 9👎


A Berry found on a lmaobush

"Im going to the lmaobushes to get some roflberries"...

by XFUBX May 22, 2008

9👍 4👎

roflberry pwncakes

Obviously these are pwncakes made with roflberries.

Commonly served to someone after they have been pwned, with a side dish of stfunewb.

*** gamer1 headshots gamer2 with p228***

gamer1: roflberry pwncakes

by bryan18 August 19, 2005

269👍 23👎

roflberry pwncakes

The most delicious and hilarious way to get PWND!

Person 1: Dude, I slept with your sister...
Person 2: Wow, that was some good roflberry pwncakes right there...

by SpyD3R May 24, 2006

68👍 36👎

roflberry pwncakes with rapel syrup

The most delicious and scrumptious breakfast for someone who is constantly pwned (sometimes in a hilarious way). This dish is mostly eatten by scrubs, noobs, and failures.

gamer 1:wow you suck how do you like your roflberry pwncakes with rapel syrup? i bet it scrumptious!

gamer 2: om nom nom nom so good but i am a failure :'(

by your mom's sex machine October 1, 2009

23👍 11👎