Roy Purdy is a god. He is in a pantheon full of many famous idols, celebrities, and all around popstars. Roy is the god of space, beauty, confidence and color. Roy Purdy is not as appraised as XXXTentacion or Lil Pump, but is rising to be greater than both! He is only on this Earth in physical mundane form to assure the world that humanity still has hope.
Irl, Roy Purdy is an American YouTuber, Singer, Rapper, Dancer, and all around Musical Artist. Roy is loved for his charisma, enthusiasm, confidence, humor, and his chill and cool persona. Haters beware!
Roy Purdy: "Aaayyy! I'm 'bouta perform that lit ass song tonight and bust some moves! Y'all ready for that PurdyGang merch?
Hater: " You're not a good rapper, your dance moves suck, and nobody wants your shit merch. I don't like you."
*Hater gets pummeled by the skateboards of a thousand furious devoted fans*
Roy Purdy:" Cool. I don't care. Skrrrt skrrrt!"
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An absolute legend that has Cosmo and Wanda glasses. Most popular for his video to a parody of Rockstar by Post Molone and 21 Savage. His dance is also very hard.
Roy Purdy is amazing. But I canβt do his dance.
a savage cosmo and wonda freak who loves pink and green and skateboarding and Brayden Dwyer
I love roy purdy
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The other half of orange justice.
1/2 orange shirt kid, 1/2 roy purdy