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real quick

ill brb rq

by gf ergcf March 17, 2018

348๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž


Instant messenger term used to abbreviate real quick.

Let me go grab a drink rq.

by SirPirateWillie June 20, 2007

266๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž


abbreviation of "real quick" in texts and dms

"imma go get a snack rq"

by i_spy May 7, 2021


1) 'real quick' (a text abbreviation)

2) 'rage quit' (used whilst gaming, rq refers to when a player quits the game in a fit of fury, often experienced after losing in a battle, dying, etc)

3) 'requests' (used in fanfictions, particularly oneshots, where the author takes requests from the readers in the comments section)

1) (whilst texting)
"i've gotta go ask my mom smth rq i'll brb"

2)(in a game)
*player 3 killed player 1*
*player 1 left the game*
player 2: y did p1 leave?
player 3: rq
player 2: oh

3)on a wattpad fanfic description:
'fandom oneshots. rqs open, comment below'

by mixxoi April 14, 2021


rq means requeue, used in hypixel games when you see sweats and wants to pussy out

person 1: rq
person 2:why?
person 1:theres a bunch of sweats in this lobby, one of them is 500 star

by akatsuji June 14, 2021

12๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


A LiveJournal community meant for asking and answering random questions. Is basically a haven for pedophiles, retards and communists. Often NSFW. Not Furry-friendly. Most of the regulars don't give a shit about anything. Neither do the mods. It's incredibly difficult to be banned.

Verb: Wow, porn sure is boring me. I'll spend some time RQing for a while.

Noun: Ah, let me check RQ and see if they've killed any other celebrities.

by Babyvixxen June 19, 2006

13๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž


Slang for "real quick"

Guys stop texting i gotta do something RQ

by Jorge approves October 26, 2018

68๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž