Source Code

rubber nipples

Rubbery Nipples of Goodness
Rubber+Nipples= Rubber Nipples

Ren and Stimpy= We are here to sell Rubber Nipples
Horse= You arent the FBI are you!
Ren and Stimpy= No were just here to sell Rubber Nipples
Horse= Well i dont need Rubber Nipples, but do you have Rubber Walrus Protectors?

by Bsi July 13, 2006

24👍 9👎

Rubber Nipple

stretchy, silly puddy-like nipples

Jeff: "see that chick? I totally hit that"
David: "really? me too! did you play with her rubber nipples?"
Jeff: "yea, i pulled em so long they hung to her belly button"

by pirate_wendy November 27, 2008

1👍 8👎