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Rulla snöbollar i solsken

This famous swedish phrase describes an attempt to achieve something that is inherently doomed to fail due to unfavorable or contradictory conditions. Just as snowballs cannot be successfully rolled or formed in warm, sunny weather, some tasks become impossible or futile when the necessary circumstances are not in place. The expression highlights the absurdity or impracticality of pursuing an endeavor when the environment or situation is completely unsupportive. Directly translated to "rolling snowballs in sunshine".-Ulf Skönberg

Context: Two friends, Sara and Anton, talk about Anton's idea to plan an outdoor concert in the middle of winter.

Sara: "Are you sure it's a good idea to have an outdoor concert in January?"

Anton: "I know, it's not ideal, but I think it can work."

Sara: "Anton, it feels like trying to roll snowballs in the sunshine. Nobody wants to stand outside and freeze then."

Anton: sighs "You're probably right. Maybe I should think again."

Sammanhang: Två vänner, Sara och Anton, pratar om Antons idé att planera en utomhuskonsert mitt i vintern.

Sara: "Är du säker på att det är en bra idé att ha en konsert utomhus i januari?"

Anton: "Jag vet, det är inte idealiskt, men jag tror det kan funka."

Sara: "Anton, det känns som att försöka rulla snöbollar i solsken. Ingen vill stå ute och frysa då."

Anton: suckar "Du har nog rätt. Kanske jag ska tänka om."

by Ulf Skönberg & Kamrater Podden August 12, 2024