A Supreme Court of the United States that has abandoned any and all tethering to the rule of law. As opposed to an "activist court", a pejorative term coined by the Republican Party to describe Supreme Court justices who interpret law based on precedent, law and the Constitution as opposed to say...the Bible, a runaway SCOTUS features unelected justices tossing overboard whatever mumblings they uttered about "Stare Decisis" (“to stand by things decided) during confirmation, and just makes shit up as they go.
• 50 year precedent of Roe vs. Wade? "Meh...we know best what women want."
• ATF (firearm experts) determined bump stocks turn semi-automatic rifles into machine guns? "Well I'm Samuel Alito and that makes my wife sad, so no."
• 250 year precedent of "No man is above the law"? "We think Trump might win, so let's make him King."
• People with degrees in meteorology should oversee the National Weather Service? "We can look outside, too."
• Is "Insurrection" bad? Well...we have two insurrection-adjacent wives, so that's awkward. "Let's make it not bad."
• ProPublica keeps writing about Alito and Thomas taking bribes like it's a bad thing. "Let's just legalize it."
We have a runaway SCOTUS that is ignoring historical precedent, citing witch trials as case law and legalizing bribing the judiciary.