The innate, human...? right to shamelessly ogle, gawk, lech over or perv on the attractive stranger you are crossing paths with whilst out running.
The hot stranger you are 'giving the once over' (AKA 'eyeing up') must also be a runner. Note that runner's privilege is a great deal less sinister than any regular act of unwanted sexual glancing, given that (1) the 'ogle window' is greatly shortened compared to everyday life, since both parties are (ideally) moving quickly, and (2) the person you just gave the eye has the same right and is in fact *encouraged* to ogle, in turn, anyone *they* like the look of mid-run.
Put another way, runner's privilege is a temporary exemption from ordinary social etiquette, granted to outdoor runners as a built-in reward (and source of motivation) for being dedicated enough to leave their sofa and get moving.
Graham: "Every time I overtook a hot girl during the race, I imagined I was allowed to have sex with her."
Sid: "Ah, yeah - make the most of that runner's privilege..."