When you have a quantity of money that would've made you considered rich in the 1950's. It usually shows that you have money to do some things but not enough to do extravagant things.
1: "Dude, you're 50's rich. Let's go get pancakes at IHOP."
2: "I can't go to the concert, I'm only 50's rich. Those tickets cost $700."
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Exceptionally well-off, and able to afford many different bling-based items at will. (Often spelled this way in order to avoid work/office email filters.)
Friend #1: When that real estate market goes up all those foreclosed properties I just bought are going to make me so rich. Damn a$s rich!
Friend #2: When is the real estate market ever going to go up again, exactly? Good luck with that.
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a spoil ur girl type of nigga
a real nigga
a loving nigga
a rich nigga
a calm luh fit ass nigga
a nonchalant ass nigga
8.1 wee wee size ass nigga
when a nigga is called s rich just know that he is s rich