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self-righteous, conceited, prideful, full of ones' self

She's saditty, always thinking she's better than everyone else

by Shari V. June 10, 2003

379👍 83👎


A person who is stuck up

Emma: I look better than all of yall
Stacey: Emma is so Saditty

by Luvbug8 December 8, 2019

11👍 2👎


Really bougie, Big everything, Always seen, and believes she is the ishh, and has everyone else thinking it too.

She soo Saditty

by Babybougie November 30, 2010

50👍 36👎


Adjective: Putting on airs, to think one is better than others

"I tol' you private school done made that boy saditty! That's YO' son!!

by The Original OG July 19, 2003

220👍 82👎

high saditty

The utimate or higest level in being saditty Also see high post

Robin Givens is just so high saditty! She is worse than Oprah Winfrey!

by Kisha April 5, 2006

22👍 22👎