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Sandwiched in

When you park your car in a big, empty spot on the street only to return later and find that two different people parked very closely in front and back of you.

While not (always) impossible to get out of, they are usually very tricky.

Ah great. I'm sandwiched in. I can't go anywhere until one of them pulls out.

by Gaaraofthedamned April 30, 2012


A word to describe someone is cute/buff who likely to be hugged by at least two friends at the same time (sandwiched).

Why did you two hug him at the same time?

Because he is so sandwichable

by Manly dragon May 24, 2016

31๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


one of the best foods ever. seriously man, if you have not tried this, what in the fuck have you been doing. its easy to make and it tastes Sooooooooooooooooooo fucking good. if you like cocks, specifically, chickens (your perverted ass thought it was penis, did u?) your in luck. chicken sandwiches exist. and their delicious. if your a disgusting sloppy vegan, theres a sandwich for that, ya like eggs? theres a sandwich for that. if you like humans, first off what the absolute fuck is wrong with you, second, theres a sandwich for that. but how do you make it? bread slice, wat ever u want, bread slice. easy shit.

sandwiches are good,
sandwiches are good.
eat a sandwich
feel real good.

by the cooler penguin27 April 22, 2020

325๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž


a food commonly used by men to oppress women

typical male: get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich.

by ih8stalkers July 8, 2011

1592๐Ÿ‘ 448๐Ÿ‘Ž


An act involving 3 things, or 3 persons, in which the first 2 on each end "crush" the one in the center.

Don't go to that lane, you might end up getting sandwiched.

by Slideback March 7, 2015

55๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


Why the hell dont you know what a sandwich is?

I guess ill explain anyways,
A sandwich is when you have two peices of bread and put PB&J in the middle ( or another combination ) and smash the two bread peices together, and you eat it

Now You should know what a fucking sandwich is, even though you should.

Guy 1: fuckboicome over here and make me a sandwich
Fuckboi: why the fuck should I?
Guy 1: cause you didnt give me that gas money when we went to WalMart.
Guy 2: make the man a goddamn sandwhich.

by what that ninja do September 7, 2015

94๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


Hobo currency

Hobo: "Will work for sandwiches"

by TurboPhoenix September 13, 2008

821๐Ÿ‘ 306๐Ÿ‘Ž