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Saturn Ring

Is a scared tissue area on the shaft. Caused from masterbating a lot.

I have a Saturn ring now.

by Trijata February 16, 2019

Saturn’s Ring

The ring around a woman’s butthole, especially when it’s darker.

Yo dude, did you see her Saturn’s Ring? It’s so much darker! I wanna fuck it so badly.

by Jackthesnacc March 25, 2020

13👍 2👎

saturn rings

Hair that grows around the nipples of humans.

The Hedgehog has a nasty set of saturn rings.

by Altonb23 November 7, 2004

7👍 5👎

Saturn's Ring

A Saturn's ring is someone who doesn't fit the "status quo" so to speak or an outsider

Everyone is wearing pink except for Becky, she is such a Saturn's ring.

by Chevlarda June 4, 2014

2👍 4👎

Saturn's Ring

A Saturn's ring is someone who doesn't fit the "status quo" so to speak or an outsider

Everyone is wearing pink except for Becky, she is such a Saturn's ring.

by Chevlarda June 4, 2014

1👍 5👎

riding saturn's rings

distracted,out in space, or (slightly!!) high

i was riding saturn's rings on my dirt bike about the time the light changed and some guy framped at me (-thanks to those bastard traffic blinders!!)

-that chronic had me riding saturn's rings!!

by michael foolsley November 23, 2009

3👍 1👎