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scaring the hoes

1. slang in the music community. this phrase is usually referred when someone plays music that is not appealing or "mainstream" in a sense.

2. the new JPEGMAFIA and Danny Brown album that does what its name suggests: scaring the hoes.

+ "yo dawg pass the aux cord"
- "you better not play weird ass shit that ends up scaring the hoes"
+ *puts death grips on*
- "you ain't ever getting the aux cord again

by AquaNeutral April 1, 2023

51πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

scaring the hoes away

striking fear into the hoes hearts with the abnormal actions

elias, you can’t play MF DOOM on the aux you’re scaring the hoes away

by japanesewombat December 29, 2021

71πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž