schloss-na-gle ('shläs-nā-gəl)
schlossnagled; schlossnagling
to assert as true or valid what is false or invalid through the use of castigation and/or righteous indignation
President Clinton wagged his finger as he schlossnagled the assembled press, his eyes glaring as he tersely stated, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky."
schloss-na-gle ('shläs-nā-gəl)
schlossnagled; schlossnagling
to assert as true or valid what is false or invalid through the use of castigation and/or righteous indignation
President Clinton wagged his finger as he schlossnagled the assembled press, his eyes glaring as he tersely stated, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky."
A traitor
Do you remember when Michael schlossnagled you and sold you out?
A traitor
Do you remember when Michael schlossnagled you and sold you out?
Traitor, some one who takes the easy way out.
Do you remember when Michael schlossnagled you and told the teacher it was you who did it?