1. To completely get away with something, like murder.
2. A false name given to Police when you are stopped + searched.
Pig: "'Ello, 'ello, 'ello, whatz your name then sonny?"
Sonny: "Erm ... no itz not Sonny, itz Scott Free."
162👍 52👎
A Noun: a Folk Hero who was reared in the cotton fields of Chickasaw Mississippi. He grew up in a humble and modest setting and grew into the very thing all men long to be and all women want. He is the guy Moma warned you about and the guy Daddy is prepared to beat when he makes his little girl cry.
Scott Free
Pretty boy
Country boy
Mississippi boy
No hair
14👍 54👎
scot free came from a tax that was payable in scotland many moons ago and if you got away with paying the tax you were said to have got away "SCOT FREE" i have used this saying many a time and even worse belive it or not my name is SCOTT FREE
did you get caught last night no i got away SCOTT FREE
97👍 63👎
To eliminate an automation service that is so painful, that it makes childbirth of sextuplets on the Oregon Trail in 1876 feel like a champagne enema
Paul designed the nozzle extractor with a brilliant design that was Scott-Free and received wild, euphoric applause from his co-workers as a result
6👍 25👎
When you bone numerous raw dog sloots but manage to not get stds.
Ginger bar wench: "did you see who Regan fucked last night? I'd be surprised if he didn't get aids"
Invalid rugby player: "yeah he's really getting off scott-free"
1👍 1👎
When you bone numerous raw dog sloots but manage to not get an std
Ginger bar wench: "did you see who Regan fucked last night? I'm surprised he didn't get aids"
Crippled rugby player: "he really got off Scott-free"
Getting off scott-free