Source Code

Scroll to the Road

Also known as "scrolling the road". A term in the US Army Infantry for the techinique to cross a linear danger area (Army code for a road).

It originated in the 75th Ranger Regiment. Each Army unit wears the unit patch on the left shoulder. The 75th's patch is a scroll, and the act of "scroll to the road" involves keeping the shoulder with your scroll toward the road. As long as soldiers on both sides of the road do this someone will always be watching in both directions a vehicle could approach from.

So for an infantry unit a road, unless in wide open terrain, is a substantial threat. Enemy can advance on you quickly, and while half the unit is on the near side & half on the far side you run a much greater risk of having your forces cut in 2.

When the order to scroll the road is given Man #1 in the formation comes up to the road & takes a knee keeping his weapon oriented down the road. Man #2 will kneel beside him & tap him on the shoulder as an indication he now has the road covered. Man #1 crosses the road and takes a knee directing his fire the opposite direction up the road as Man #2. This continues until everyone is across.

If both men keep their scrolls to the road no one can ever get confused as to which side supposed to be looking up/down which direction of the road.

Team Leader: First Section is signaling back that they've cleared the far side.
Squad Leader: Scroll to the road.

by infantryscoming August 19, 2010

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