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second gen

1. A joint that is rolled of second generation weed, which is weed from the roach, or a butt of a joint or blunt.
2. Weed from roaches

1. "Shit, I'm out of green. Guess it's time to roll some second gen."
2. "So there I was, on the crapper with six roaches' worth of second gen on the cover of the Mac Addict in my lap, when grandma busts in the door, and I says, 'Granny, don't!'"

by Insecure Sober January 11, 2006

8👍 3👎

Second Gen Resin

Second generation reclaimed dabs. When you reclaim resin from your dab piece which built up from taking resin dabs. It’s that shit that tastes like paint thinner, the shit you survive on for the week leading up to your next paycheck after going through all your wax.

‘Your reclaim tastes like paint thinner

‘It’s second gen resin man’

by Tonde April 5, 2021