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Secret Crush

A secret crush is someone you only meet once but they make such an impression that you never forget about them. Eventually, you develop a crush on the idea of them and long for the relationship you imagine in your head.

Originally coined on the show How I Met Your Mother in the episode "Hopeless."

Robin: “Oh, my god! My secret crush is here!”

Lily: “Mila Kunis?!”

Robin: “No, MY secret crush. We met a few years ago. . . . I had to leave before we finished talking so that was it. You know, ever since then, I’ve always… Oh, my god, he’s coming over!“

by IceCreamShopRomance January 25, 2012

68👍 11👎

secret lecture crush

A secret crush that develops in a lecture class with over 400 people.

boy: "yo, there's this fine, sexy, smart stranger in my communication lecture."
boy's friend: "have you ever talked to her."
boy: "no dude, theres like 1000 people in my class. I have made some pretty intense eye contact with her, though."
boy's friend: "man, you've got a Secret Lecture Crush."

by foxychik572 March 22, 2013