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a random form of saying sweet,cool,nice,good job. formed in a dorm room around 2 am when the word was randomly blurted out. and was instantly used in everyday vocabulary. cought on by the words catchyness and absurdity. can also be randomly blurted out to fill in for awkward silence.

your Facebook post:bout to get my swag on tonight at the club

friends comment: seedless ;)

... alone with roomate silently studying...
...you say: seedless.

by bushy hooded warrior June 2, 2011

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1) In the absence of Seeds. When something like an apple has no seeds

2) A word which is featured in the song Take On Me by mmmstaley.

Timmy: Oh Look, this apple is Seedless.
John: You mean it has no seeds.
Timmy: Yes, that is exactly what I mean


Mmmstaley: Seedless to say

by CheekySwan May 3, 2009

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To get belligerently, or completely drunk. Typically or usually with good, close friends.

Dude! Phil, Dan, and I went out and got totally seedless!


Well guys, Looks like we all need to get seedless tonight.

by Phil_on_uni May 4, 2010

24๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

Seedless Date

it's when you have a date with girl and you don't get laid ( can't plant your seed inside of here ) or you get laid and wore a condom which results in a seedless date

Cody Ko: last night i had a date with a girl but it was a seedless date

by Rgabor September 13, 2017

seedless grape

A complete moron.

That seedless grape really pisses me off.

by SpiffyBiffy June 17, 2004

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seedless watermelon

Somthing that is innovative (used by Julian Casablancas to describe 'First Impressions of Earth')

Describe your new album

It's like a seedless watermelon

by fia July 11, 2006

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seedless grapes

a sterlizied man's balls.

"well," said the urologist "eight hours from now, youll have joined the seedless grapes club".

by spoot June 20, 2008

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