Means,"see if". It is southern slang but is better than "see if" because it doesn't take as long to say it.
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To Seef (v. intr.) To tone down a Northern accent when in the presence of Southerners because of embarrassment
I seef
You (sing.) seef
He/She/It seefs
We seef
You (pl.) seef
They seef
Guy: I'm moving down south for uni & want to fit in- do you know how to seef?
Girl: Yeah, just imagine you're doing an impression of the queen
Guy #1: He just pronounced that word correctly, but I thought he was from up North? :S
Guy #2: He's seefing
e.g. -Man in Yorkshire: "Sorry, but I can't do nowt today- itβs propah silinβ down out there and I'm nesh"
-Man in presence of Southerners "I can't do it today as it's raining and I don't want to catch a cold"
e.g. *Guy on the phone to his mother* "Mam, I walked on the grasss and tripped o'er some glasss- I prolly shoulda stuck to the patthhh" *southerner walks past* "Mum, I walked on the grass and tripped over some glass- I should've stayed on the path."
e.g. What the person would say in Doncaster:"Ey up, how's tha doin?"
What the person would say to Londoners: "Hi, how are you?"
1. An abbreviation of Josephus (Josephus Flavius Jewish historian and mathematician, born AD 37)
2. All round clever person
3. A real bro - see Brosephus
Wow - how did he know that? He is a real Seef!
Well, he is no Einstein but he is a real Seef
Dude, relax, you can depend on him - he is a real Seef
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To discreetly work your way into a girl's pants.
Bill: Hey man, weren't you seefing?
Joe: Not anymore man, turns out she was 87.
seef sex butt rape date
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He burnt his knob while hiding a spliff from the 50. He really Seefed it up.
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Spam redeem Streampoints until the streamer gets cant fullfill them anymore , happened to Twitch Streamer Seefinilla, from where the name has been taken
lets pull a seef on her, we have enough points
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To redeem Hydrate on Twitch until the Streamer cant drink anymore, this happened to Twitch Streamer seefinilla, and has stuck around as a joke always since
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