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Originally italian word for "female slave", it has taken on a entirely new meaning since the 70s and it's now one of the most important words in the italian vernacular.

"Serva" has several, similar, meanings; it is always used in the female, even for men.

Conventional women who have gone backwards since female liberation, and rely on men for their personal fulfillment are "serve". Tipically they are interested in establishing a family and having children.

Women and men who are obedient at work, and kiss the boss' ass are "serve". As are most people who "tow the line" out of their own free will (or a genetic, hereditary, disposition for "being a serva")

Gay men and women who are concerned with "moving up" in society are, always, serve. Being "concerned with what other people think" is more often than not clear a sign of being a "serva".

Look at that serva nagging her boyfriend for more attention.

She has been telling the boss, who is a burns victim, how beautiful he is all morning, what a serva!

That fag works in daytime broadcasting in a programme about "good manners", he is such a serva.

by Smack77 August 13, 2009

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