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Sex repulsed

A person who may experience sexual attraction but the act itself for that person is so gross that it's unthinkable or cannot do it
It can be because the Nature of the person.

Sex repulsed persons can be asexual or experience sexual attraction to another human being, they just cannot go any further than that.

An asexual person can be sex- repulsed or can be sex-tolerant,

A sex repulsed person however, not always is asexual.

A sex repulsed person usually doesn't enjoy sex or had never experienced it because the very idea for that person is that sex is repulsive, it can be due Many reasons,

A sex repulsed person it's very diferent to the voluntarie celibacy because the person under celibacy do it for religious or personal reasons, but a sex repulsed do it because the act itself for that person it's gross, unhealthy, or invasive, even if the person finds another human being cute or attractive, sex repulsed persons don't do sexual acts because of their reject on sexual behaviour

-whoa man look at that girl ass, i would smash it .
-meeh, I would'nt, I'm sex repulsed, i don't like sex.
-Wtf bruh, are u a fuckin alien?.

by Humptrydumpty September 8, 2021

Sex-repulsed person

A sex repulsed person is someone who simply doesn't like sex, or the idea of any sexual activity, the reasons can be Many and personal.
Contrary to the popular belief sex repulsed people are not aliens they are just normal people.
Not every sex repulsed person is asexual.
Not every asexual is sex repulsed
Sex repulsed person can experience sexual attraction but it won't go any further because of their perception of sex.

-hey do You see that Blondie ass over there? Looks bootyful I would smash her
-meeh, I just really don't like it,

-Why bruh, are u gay?
-No, I am a Sex-repulsed person that means I just really don't like the idea of sex, or any sexual activity, that doesn't mean i don't find her pretty it's just , I am just sex repulsed person
-WTF bruh are u an alien?
-Well yes but actually no

by Humptrydumpty September 9, 2021

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