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sexist pig

A sexist man; a man who only thinks of a woman of a brainless sex toy; about 50% of the overall global population.

Christian Grey is as much of a sexist pig as Donald Trump.

by Climatechangsolver December 31, 2016

39πŸ‘ 81πŸ‘Ž

Sexist pig

A sexist man; a man who only thinks of a woman of a brainless sex toy; a good chunk of the dominant heterosexual male mentality.

The sexist pigs of todays society are really having a traumatic effect on women’s mental health today.
The sexist pigs of today have a hard time differentiating how to treat women as a whole human being be how to avoid treating them like tools.

by Sexist pig November 7, 2020

8πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž