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Sexy circle game

A game that has three or more friends. The first friend has to have a sip of hard stuff or anything liquor related keep it in their mouth until the last person takes a drink. Then pass the bottle on to the next person, and so on. Best played with 6 plus people. Gets you fucked up real quick, soaking up the hard stuff through the mouth is intense! Played this back in 2012, my homie made this game for us poor mutherfuckers. Fun not tasty game, to get you fucked up real quick, 0 to 40 or harder style.

G: Lets go play sexy circle
Ee:fuck I'm not gay
G: nah like the game:
Ee: sexy circle game? awh shit let's get it! Get drunk as fuck!
G: fuck yee, let's get some more homies, make a circle and drink and hold!

by Grey_Supreme March 30, 2019

3👍 1👎